Jory had his face painted 1/2 yellow, 1/2 purple for the vikings game. He never complained at all that it was itchy, burning or irritating while it was on his face. After the game and back at our room we washed his face off. Monday AM he woke up with a slightly swollen face (only on the side that he had purple) so we rubbed some MK moisturizer on it. We headed for home and it did seem to get a little worse. Tuesday AM he awoke with an eye that was almost swollen shut and a VERY puffy face. We headed to the clinic and apparently he was allergic to something in the purple paint. After Bendadryl and a prescription cream...we are lookin' better. I wish I would have taken a picture Tuesday AM....but here is a picture from today (after 24 hours of Bendaryl and 6 applications of cream to his face! He looks better!

I asked Dr. Peterson if maybe we needed to avoid Viking games from now on...he laughed and I received a dirty look from "little man"!
PS. Does anyone on the Edlund side think this picture resembles anyone???? I don't know, but to me this picture reminds me of Joe??!?!?!
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