Sunday, December 20, 2009
We are Called...
About 10 years ago, the Edlund family (my mom's side) decided to make a change to their traditional Christmas giving. After many years of exchanging gifts with each other or doing the "White Elephant" gift exchange at Christmas we all decided that none of us really "needed" anything! So, we came up with the idea that our Christmas gift should be to "help" either a family or an organization. Each one of us (G&G, siblings, and grandchildren) give a monetary amount towards "the Edlund Family Gift" and this amount varies each year but is usually around $25-30. Once you turn 18 you are now "eligible" to contribute! ;) There has gotten to be quite a few contributors and our total "gift" usually ends up being around $500-700. Thus the beginning!
A few weeks prior to Christmas we start talking as a family of who the recipient should be. Over the years we have used our "gift" to purchase gifts for a family, purchase nights at the Ronald McDonald House for a family, given the money to someone or given it to a local organization.
This year our "Edlund Family Gift" is going to a family that we don't know! We have a social worker who comes to the school who helped us "choose" this family. He was able to get a "Wish List" from them and we actually went out and purchased gifts for them. This afternoon we got together and had a "Wrapping Party". After two hours of wrapping...mission accomplished!
Pictured above and below is our purchases before we wrapped them today...
Pictured above and below is our purchases before we wrapped them today...
This is after wrapping them....
As far as I am concerned (and I think the rest of my Edlund family would agree) this is the best Christmas present we purchase! When my kids read what this family's Christmas List, I think they were shocked! There was not many "fun" things, but just your basic needs, ie. socks, underwear, sweatshirts, jeans, t-shirts, shampoo/conditioner and personal hygeine products! All I could think of is, "Boy, My family and I are spoiled!" after pooling our monies we are hopefully going to make this family's Christmas a little brighter this year!
This morning in church we sang a song titled, "We Are Called" and I had tears in my eyes singing it. I am going to share the words with you as I believe that this is what Christmas is all about!
Verse 1: Come! Live in the light! Shine with the joy and the love of the Lord! We are called to be light for the kingdom, to live in the freedom of the city of God. Refrain...
Verse 3: Sing! Sing a new song! Sing of that great day when all will be one! God will reign, and we'll walk with each other as sisters and brothers united in love. Refrain...
Refrain: We are called to act with justice, we are called to love tenderly; we are called to serve one another, to walk humbly with God.
May each of us experience the joy of giving this Christmas!
37 weeks
Here is a picture of my cousin, Brittany, and myself taken today. She had her first child, a daughter, Molly, in January of 2009. Brittany is due the first part of April with twins. Yes, you are reading this correctly! Anyways, here is a 37 week picture of myself...height does have it's advantages! I feel for Brittany already!
I have approximately 3 1/2 weeks (26 days) remaining of Boote Baby #3 pregnancy. Overall, things have been going fairly well, however, back on November 6th (ND deer season opener) in the morning I noticed that my legs felt a little achy and when I went to take a ankles and shins were swollen and black and blue, right foot worse than left. After pondering this for a bit and calling and visiting with my doctor's nurse and explaining the situation, she visited with Dr. McMillan and called me back with, "We want you to come down so Dr. McMillan can see you." Well, after a doctor's visit and an Ultrasound to make sure there was no blood clots, the orders were to "Keep your feet up as much as possible and to wear support hose!"...that is what I have been trying to do since then. However, it is VERY hard with two very active kids, a job, a house to take care of and my difficulty with just "Sitting!". Luckily, the kids and Alan have pitched in and it helps that I am lucky to have a very great friend "clean" for me every two weeks! Yeah!!  The worse part of this whole "leg problem" is that our plans for a quick family trip to Iowa for Christmas have been dashed with Dr. McMillan giving me the "I really don't want you to go, unless you stop every hour and walk!" and "Is the risk of getting a blood clot really worth it?". ;
So, I for sure will be staying home, however, I really think Alan and the kids should go...he is pondering this idea (reluctantly). We will just see what happens this week with that idea! I have posted a picture of my leg tonight to give you an idea...I know, can you say, UGLY!!
As for our readiness for Baby "J", we are getting there. Jade painted a little bookshelf this weekend that we found at the thrift store. Alan cut the bottom of the door today so that it will swing (since the room did not have carpet in it before). We still need to pick up some baby supplies but other than that, I think we are about ready. Oh, and we still don't have any definite names picked out yet...this will come to us though! It is just really difficult to get four people to agree ;-)!!
The past couple weeks I have been training in a very "qualified" girl to be my replacement at work while I am gone. She has done fantastic and I am lucky that she was available. I have my computer set up at home so that I can work from home and still do payroll and the bills while I am away. I still am not sure how much time I am going to take off, but one thing I do know for sure is that I am going to enjoy every day I am at home with this baby because the days go by quickly and they grow up so fast!
The past couple weeks I have been training in a very "qualified" girl to be my replacement at work while I am gone. She has done fantastic and I am lucky that she was available. I have my computer set up at home so that I can work from home and still do payroll and the bills while I am away. I still am not sure how much time I am going to take off, but one thing I do know for sure is that I am going to enjoy every day I am at home with this baby because the days go by quickly and they grow up so fast!
Vikings Football at Home!

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
No more Vikings...paint for Jory!
Jory had his face painted 1/2 yellow, 1/2 purple for the vikings game. He never complained at all that it was itchy, burning or irritating while it was on his face. After the game and back at our room we washed his face off. Monday AM he woke up with a slightly swollen face (only on the side that he had purple) so we rubbed some MK moisturizer on it. We headed for home and it did seem to get a little worse. Tuesday AM he awoke with an eye that was almost swollen shut and a VERY puffy face. We headed to the clinic and apparently he was allergic to something in the purple paint. After Bendadryl and a prescription cream...we are lookin' better. I wish I would have taken a picture Tuesday AM....but here is a picture from today (after 24 hours of Bendaryl and 6 applications of cream to his face! He looks better!
I asked Dr. Peterson if maybe we needed to avoid Viking games from now on...he laughed and I received a dirty look from "little man"!
PS. Does anyone on the Edlund side think this picture resembles anyone???? I don't know, but to me this picture reminds me of Joe??!?!?!

PS. Does anyone on the Edlund side think this picture resembles anyone???? I don't know, but to me this picture reminds me of Joe??!?!?!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Church Christmas Program
The kids had their church Christmas program this past Sunday. Jade was Mary and Jory played an impatient boy that just wanted to decorate the Christmas Tree (the part fit him to a tee). During the offering Jade, Jory and cousin Callie sang the song, "Offering" (the Christmas version) and they all did a great job! Here are a few pictures...
The kids singing during the Offering...

Jory "playing" the impatient child...
The whole Sunday School...
The kids singing during the Offering...
Jory "playing" the impatient child...
The whole Sunday School...
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Our family has a date each night with the Television (at least for the next 7 nights and the past 3 nights)...the 2009 National Finals Rodeo is actually being broadcast LIVE each night! YEAH!! (We even had to break down and call Dish Network and upgrade our package to get ESPN Classic...we are die hards!) I actually took a little nap today so that I could stay up and watch. The kids are already talking about the possibility of going next year and that being their Christmas Present...sounds good to me!!!!
A lil' sleddin'
The weather up until this past week has just been fabulous! This week we received about 2 inches of snow...enough to do a little sleddin'! It was nice outside today and the kids had two cousins (Callie & Lauryn) over! Here are a few pics!
Jory(7)...doin a little snow boarding...
Lauryn (4) on the saucer...
Family Pictures

And finally, a picture of the kids with all of their winnings from the summer! Lucky kids!

Thank you Brandi for coming to our do a great job!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Jory's 1st Steer Riding
Jory riding his 1st Steer ever at the Mandan Youth Rodeo in September...I think he is still grinning from it...
Of course, Jory thought it was a blast...again, I hope he outgrows this "steer riding" phase as I just don't think my nerves can handle it!
Of course, Jory thought it was a blast...again, I hope he outgrows this "steer riding" phase as I just don't think my nerves can handle it!
Roughrider Rodeo Novice Barrel Racing Champion...
This championship is bittersweet as next year she cannot compete in this "division" because she won it this year, and the "division" she has to move up to is going to be tough!! We are so proud of you, Jade, and your horse, Classy! Keep up the good work!!
Monday, November 16, 2009
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